Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 20 and 21 was a bust !

Well, I spent most of my weekend packing...I did take some pictures but never got a round to posting them. And, of course I forgot to bring my card with me today to post a couple of pictures. Hopefully, I'll be more on the ball tonight and or tomorrow morning get some photos posted.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 19 !

Last Sunday my family and I celebrated one of my brother's 60th birthday, Since he loves oysters...we decided to indulge in some. We enjoyed them 3 ways....raw, steamed and oysters casino......YUM !

I took this picture of the oysters while they were being washed off....thought it would be a great before and after.



Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 18 !

Here is "Bear". He is one of my mom's dogs.....which are now her children.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 17 .... Here Kitty Kitty !

Today's picture of the day is of my old man cat "Binx". He's 17 years old. He's a lovable old cat, but not as agile as he used to be. Of course that comes with age....doesn't it?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 16 ! Shimmering Silver Sequins

I took this picture on Sunday. It was such a beautiful day. And I happen to notice that the river had all these Shimmering Silver Sequins on it.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Wow Half way there ! Photo of the day #15

I'm half way through my personal challenge. I took this photo last night of the sun setting. With the clouds and the colors in the was quite awesome to me.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Picture of the day #13 and #14

Well, I went out and took pictures yesterday morning. Then promptly came in and started to work on boxing up stuff in my room to get ready for my move. So needless to say, I totally forgot to post a picture. I'm making up for it today...and posting a picture that I took yesterday and one that I took this morning.

The Dock

Day break on the creek

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day #12

Wow...I've actually posted 12 days in a row ! Hmmmm....maybe I'll keep this up until the end of the year.
Another before and after...using the Content Aware feature in Photoshop and turning it into a sketch. The picture is of my daughter and her husband.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day #11

Another before and after ...... I cropped the  rid of the foot in the background, blurred the background and give it a bit of a painting feel using the Gaussian blur and darken feature.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Picture of the day #10

I decided I would try the Content Aware feature in Photoshop today. I took a picture of a morning glory a couple of months ago. I liked the photo...other than the blade of grass that was across the bloom. Instead of removing it the normal way (using the clone tool). I tried out the Content Aware feature....which I found is so much easier and a tad less tedious. I did do some color enhancements to the photo as well.



Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Picture of Day #9

Yesterday afternoon I received an email from my neighbor. Attached was this wonderful picture of my Dad on his beloved tractor. It was such a wonderful surprise !

Monday, November 8, 2010

Day #8 Picture of the day !

So far so good....I'm a quarter of the way through the month and have made a post a day. I know at the beginning of the month I did say I would give it a shot to take a picture a day. At least I've kept up with the posting part of my challenge. Now, I just need to get my act together, get my camera out and take pictures everyday.

With that said....this picture was taken October 28, 2010.

Make up for Day # 7 - Lone Goose

Here is a lone goose. Seems that everybody in the community has seen him (or her...not sure) their yards, laying around. He can fly....cause after I snapped a few shots he flew off.

Sunday, November 7, 2010 7 is a bust

I'm not at home today. Though, I did bring my camera with me. But the computer that I'm using won't read the card. pictures today. I'll post 2 tomorrow to make up for today.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day #6 - Picture of the day far my challenge is going well....6 days in and haven't missed a single day of posting.

This morning I decided to try taking pictures of water drops. I set up a red bowl in the sink, filled it with water, then had the faucet dripping and started snapping pictures. I found that I got a couple of decent shots. Here is one of them.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Picture of the day #5

Today my picture is a before and after of a bloom from my Peace Lilly. I did a little photoshoping to it.



I made a duplicate layer. Then used the gaussian blur filter (8). Then applied the screen under the layer menu.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Picture of the day #4 I am at day number 4 of posting pictures. I got out and took some pictures yesterday.....but forgot to bring my card with me (I'm at work right now). Luckily...I do have some photographs on my work computer. Below is one that I took back in October of the sun setting. I love the star's all photoshoping done, other than to straighten the photo and to make it smaller.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Before and After Picture of the day #3

Today will be a " before and after". I've been trying to learn some different Photoshop Techniques. I'm sharing a photograph that I took a few weeks ago.  My model is, Oz (my daughter's dog). He's a happy and wonderful dog, but as you see in the picture he looks a bit sad.....I don't think he likes having a camera pointed at him.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Picture of the day...No. 2

I'm off to a good number 2 and I'm posting again. LOL !

One of my neighbors is putting in a dock. The pile driver came back to finish up. I hope their dock lasts for many, many years.In the past I've seen ice destroy a few docks in the river.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Finally Posting again.......

Wow, it's been 4 months since I've posted anything. It's been a crazy past few months in my house (which I'll get into some other time). 

Today.....I decided I would give myself a challenge......which will be to post one picture a day. I will give it my best effort to take a picture a day and post it the following day. Since, I didn't even get the camera out yesterday...I'm going to post a picture that I took a couple of weeks ago.

Wish me luck on my challenge !